Friday, December 7, 2012

Website of the week - WW2: Remembering Pearl Harbor


  1. Your Remembering does Honour to the thousands that died and millions wounded to protect freedom.
    My father and his brothers lived to tell me the tales of WW2.
    My father was at Auswitz in a fire fight with the Nazi's as they were trying to retreat into the woods when the USA forces were trying to free the prisoners.
    I am proud of him.
    Thank you Vince.

  2. Your remembering honors the Veterans. The millions of wounded and dead knew what sacrafice ment to free the world. Sadly there is so much more to do.
    My father and his 3 brothers all made it through WW2 alive.
    My father was with General Pattens army. He was at Auswitz in a gun fight with the Nazi's as they were trying to escape into the woods and leave the Death camp. Dad described the survivors as walking skeletons. The Allied forces DID save the prisoners and cared for them because God was there that day to resque who HE could by the hands of the Allied Force.
    I am proud of my father.
    He did not leave Germany without some physical and deep emotional scars.
    Thank You Vince

  3. Thanks for posting about this day. Every year less and less is said about it.


  4. Gracias USA.
    Tus hijos dieron su vida por la libertad.
    Por slavar al mundo de la tirania, tuvisteis que sufrir perdidas irreparables.
    Un saludo con honor y carinño.
